{Welcome to my container 💡}

A quilt with 4 removable patches, one containing a microcontroller, and a spool of gold thread

A reconfigurable sonic quilt that stores and processes memories.

Care Processing Unit
Two dark gray vests on dress forms

Signal Lost Vest is an anti-surveillance pocket and protest tool.

Signal Lost Vest
9 eTextile swatches of input, output, and conductive material

A compilation of eTextile tutorials and guides.

4 people around a table helping each other build a knitting loom

Documentation and resources from past workshops.

Yellow cover of a zine with a woman's face turned to the sides as she weaves memory

The story of Hilda Carpenter, the first person to weave memory.

Hilda Wove All Those Wires
The left hand holds a DIY knitting nancy loom with an LED and copper tape while the right hand pulls a knitted sensor to activate the LED

A guide to creating your own stretch sensor and eTextile knitting loom.

Sensor Knitting 101
Two hands opening two triangle sides to a red quilt patch with a center silver spiral

A quilt that collects and shares your data.

Tell Tale Quilt
A circle with tools related to fiber and physical computing all around it on a sunrise gradient

An artist-run residency at the center of textiles, computation, and electronics.

electronic textile camp
A femme wears a white corset with activated LEDs on the bust in a swirl pattern

Garments that weaving biometric data as commitment ceremony.

Data Vows
A hand pulls the yarn emerging at the bottom of a 3x3 inch fabric swatch with three LEDs illuminated

Embedding digital and ancestral knowledge into physical form.

eTextile Swatchbook Exchange
A matrix of red rings adorn a gray sheet of felt. Blue and yellow knitted cords are woven through the rings

Weaving an alternative history of electrical generation.

a screenshot of a google doc bibliography

Research at the intersection of privacy, wearables, and eTextiles.

eTextile Privacy
The top of a dress form that donning a gray vest with a long triangular collar containing a 3x3 matrix of copper fabric traces

A set of guiding principles for the wearables we want.

Wearable Manifesto
A person wears a DIY felt flower necklace embellished with a circular microcontroller. A hand covers part of the board

Learning experiences designed for more equitable access to CS education.

CS Curriculum
A group of students site with a circuit game board at the center

Projects designed at the Institute of Play.

Games + Learning
Small breadboard with paracord pins plugged in

Ongoing projects worth sharing and iterating.

In Process
A large fabric breakout board with a Lilypad in the middle and multiple copper fabric traces linking it to various input and output swatches

A compilation of past projects.
